Ben’s to-do list
- on iPhone in landscape, the home page background image is cut off
Done Thursday, November 14, 2013
- Removed validation from phone form field
- Added “Attachment will be uploaded after you submit this form” message to Contact form
- Made phone number in footer red
- Ensured phone number won’t wrap on contact form
- On Cleaning & Repair pages make video 2x bigger at 1100
- On Reviews page make customer letter thumbnail images larger at small screen sizes
Done Saturday, November 2, 2013
- Add slideshow of handwritten notes to Reviews page
- Freeze header on About page at 768px and up
- Replace map with image of map
- Change the initial video cleaning pic to the 3rd picture on the cleaning slideshow (it’s a picture of boots / water spray / rug.
Done Tuesday, October 29, 2013
- Make home page at 768px+ look like 3rd wireframe
- Nav 768px+: move the “S” to the left of each nav link (keep it red)
- Auto-play videos on content pages
- Footer 768px+: address one line
- Footer 768px+: condense the hours so they just take up one line
- Footer: remove Google Maps from footer
- Contact: add Google Maps
- Contact: change title to “Contact Us”
- Contact: larger phone number in red
- About: remove title and horiz. line
- Footer: make address a blue color (it links to GMaps) – but don’t change color of Reviews link
Done Saturday, October 25, 2013
- Contact: format the upload button
- Contact: at 960px split the contact form into two columns
- Site footer: restyle for 960px up (make use of the space)
- Site footer: add a delivery truck image and a thumbs up image
Done Thursday, October 24, 2013
- The Contact screen should not scroll under the site header – because the form error messages are hidden
- Format the contact form notification email
- Contact: allow visitors to upload an image with contact form
Done Wednesday, October 23, 2013
- Image slideshows: removed gallery box
- Remove | pipe from title
- Set up email account
- Set email account to receive contact form notification emails
- Contact form: format the confirmation message
Done Tuesday, October 22, 2013
- Replace the home page background image (sewing hands) with one more similar to the first home page wireframe: no fading to black on the edges
- Home page: position & style the video players as on the wireframes
- Smaller screens: the drop down navigation isn’t great, find a better way to present site navigation
- Home page: position & style the video players at all breakpoints
Done Monday, October 21, 2013
- Add a Reviews page: link to Yelp! and add Laura Bush letter – don’t add this page to main site navigation, but add a link in the footer
- About page: instead of five little pictures, use the three color pictures large and positioned right next to each other. Put 2nd picture of young Sarkis inside the body of the text in the 2nd paragraph with caption, “Istanbul, 1974.”
- About page: pull out 3rd image
- About page: get rid of the plus on image hover
- Showroom: add caption under pic, “Rug padding styles available.”
- Contact: on the iPad it looks like the contact form is a little small – make labels & form fields bigger
- Repair page: at smaller screen sizes, video should come immediately after the picture, as on Cleaning
- Site footer: “View larger map” link shouldn’t be blue
- Videos: make video players look like wireframe – just a play button, with video title underneath
- Videos: don’t show ads or links to other videos at the end of playback – not possible with YouTube
Done Sunday, October 20, 2013
- Selection: change name of this page to “Showroom”
- Site header: “freeze” the header and remove the page name over the image
- Site footer: make the address font size bigger
- Site footer: add functional Google Maps (replace the icon with a working map)
- Site footer: add “Free pickup & delivery in the metroplex”
- Site footer: add hours of operation in subdued text. Not the main focus, but there. M-F 9a-5p, Sat 9a-3p, Sun closed
- Cleaning: add “10% off for new customers” coupon
- Cleaning: format the home care instructions – too much padding